Worldwide Wedding Vendors

Based on our experience and opinions of the experts, we select the professionals, brands and venues we can recommend for weddings and private events

All Vendors

Based on our experience and opinions of the experts, we select the professionals, brands and venues we can recommend for weddings and private events


Online magazine for all

We combine fashion, beauty, travels, modern photography to make your wedding the way you want it to be.
Every day we talk to wedding professionals and brides and tell our readers all about the newest trends, wedding news and inspiring ideas for their weddings. We have over 1 000 articles on our website, which are full of inspiration and practical advice from experts. More than 55 000 people read our blog every month.

People. Locations. Ideas.

THEWED is people. Together with leading wedding agencies, we choose the most competent professionals in the industry — there are only 15 people from each area. They become participants in the project, whom we can highly recommend to brides.
THEWED are locations. Our site has the most suitable banquet venues, restaurants, hotels, and other places where you can celebrate a wedding, anniversary, or merely have a pleasant time together.
THEWED are ideas. The trendiest dresses, offbeat wedding day concepts, honeymoon hotels, dance playlists, and other nuances from choosing a planner to making a list of gifts — we write about all this on our blog. 


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