Seble, originally hailing from Ethiopia, embarked on a new chapter by moving to Italy at the tender age of seven, ultimately settling in Pavia. Meanwhile, Nicola called Milan his home. In 2019, the stars aligned as Seble serendipitously reunited with a dear friend from her Ethiopian roots, leading them to spend a significant amount of time together. Amidst their adventures, Seble couldn't help but notice a certain someone who was undeniably captivated by her very presence. However, their promising connection was unexpectedly put on hold by the unforeseen arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, their unwavering bond persevered, thanks to the steadfast support of their mutual confidant. Fast forward to 2021, Seble's flourishing modeling career in Milan provided the perfect backdrop for her to share cherished moments with Nicola in between her demanding castings. Their shared experiences ignited an instant and genuine connection, weaving together bouts of infectious laughter, leisurely strolls, and heartfelt conversations. In the midst of their apparent disparities, they soon discovered that true magnetism lies in the embrace of opposites. See their lovestory captured by Nicoletta Subitoni.
Photo @nicolettasubitoni
Couple @seble_vietti @olaf_slat
Mua @_queenella2_